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Name Description

Averages period of indicator for length bars back.


Sum of indicator for length bars back. If not enough Candles, sum's what's available


Goes through from index-length to index and returns a list of values


Goes through from index and returns candles that are less or equal to timeframe to index candle


Goes through from index-length to index and returns a list of values, removes dict's and None values, validates index, if out of range set to max (-1)


Goes through from index and returns readings that are less or equal to timeframe to index candle


Simple method to get a reading from the given indicator from a candle


Simple method to get a reading from the given indicator from it's index


Returns how many instance of the given indicator exist


Will return True if the given indicator goes back as far as amount,


    candles: List[Candle],
    indicator: str,
    length: int,
    index: int = -1,
    include_latest: bool = True,
) -> float

Averages period of indicator for length bars back. If not enough Candles, sum's what's available

Source code in hexital/utils/
def candles_average(
    candles: List[Candle],
    indicator: str,
    length: int,
    index: int = -1,
    include_latest: bool = True,
) -> float:
    """Averages period of `indicator` for `length` bars back.
    If not enough Candles, sum's what's available"""
    values = get_readings_period(candles, indicator, length, index, include_latest)
    return sum(values) / len(values) if values else 0


    candles: List[Candle],
    indicator: str,
    length: int,
    index: int = -1,
    include_latest: bool = True,
) -> float

Sum of indicator for length bars back. If not enough Candles, sum's what's available

Source code in hexital/utils/
def candles_sum(
    candles: List[Candle],
    indicator: str,
    length: int,
    index: int = -1,
    include_latest: bool = True,
) -> float:
    """Sum of `indicator` for `length` bars back. If not enough Candles, sum's what's available"""
    return sum(get_readings_period(candles, indicator, length, index, include_latest))


    candles: List[Candle], length: int, index: int, include_latest: bool = False
) -> List[Candle]

Goes through from index-length to index and returns a list of values Returns from newest at the back (same order)

Source code in hexital/utils/
def get_candles_period(
    candles: List[Candle], length: int, index: int, include_latest: bool = False
) -> List[Candle]:
    """Goes through from index-length to index and returns a list of values
    Returns from newest at the back (same order)"""
    index_ = absindex(index, len(candles))

    to_index = index_ + 1 if include_latest else index_

    start = to_index - length
    start = 0 if start < 0 else start

    return candles[start:to_index]


    candles: List[Candle],
    timeframe: timedelta,
    index: int,
    include_latest: bool = False,
    rounded_timeframe: bool = False,
) -> List[Candle]

Goes through from index and returns candles that are less or equal to timeframe to index candle Returns from newest at the back (same order)

Source code in hexital/utils/
def get_candles_timeframe(
    candles: List[Candle],
    timeframe: timedelta,
    index: int,
    include_latest: bool = False,
    rounded_timeframe: bool = False,
) -> List[Candle]:
    """Goes through from index and returns candles that are less or equal to timeframe to index candle
    Returns from newest at the back (same order)"""
    index_ = absindex(index, len(candles))

    to_index = index_ if include_latest else index_ - 1

    if rounded_timeframe:
        timestamp = round_down_timestamp(candles[index_].timestamp, timeframe)
        timestamp += timeframe
        timestamp = candles[index_].timestamp

    candles_ = []

    for candle in candles[to_index::-1]:
        if (timestamp - candle.timestamp) > timeframe:
        candles_.insert(0, candle)

    return candles_


    candles: List[Candle],
    indicator: str,
    length: int,
    index: int,
    include_latest: bool = False,
) -> List[float | int]

Goes through from index-length to index and returns a list of values, removes dict's and None values, validates index, if out of range set to max (-1) Returns from newest at the back (same order)

Source code in hexital/utils/
def get_readings_period(
    candles: List[Candle], indicator: str, length: int, index: int, include_latest: bool = False
) -> List[float | int]:
    """Goes through from index-length to index and returns a list of values, removes dict's and None values, validates index, if out of range set to max (-1)
    Returns from newest at the back (same order)"""
    index_ = absindex(index, len(candles))

    to_index = index_ + 1 if include_latest else index_

    start = to_index - length
    start = 0 if start < 0 else start

    candles_ = []

    for candle in candles[start:to_index]:
        reading = reading_by_candle(candle, indicator)
        if isinstance(reading, (float, int)):

    return candles_


    candles: List[Candle],
    indicator: str,
    timeframe: timedelta,
    index: int,
    include_latest: bool = False,
    rounded_timeframe: bool = False,
) -> List[float | int]

Goes through from index and returns readings that are less or equal to timeframe to index candle removes dict's and None values Returns from newest at the back (same order)

Source code in hexital/utils/
def get_readings_timeframe(
    candles: List[Candle],
    indicator: str,
    timeframe: timedelta,
    index: int,
    include_latest: bool = False,
    rounded_timeframe: bool = False,
) -> List[float | int]:
    """Goes through from index and returns readings that are less or equal to timeframe to index candle
    removes dict's and None values
    Returns from newest at the back (same order)"""
    index_ = absindex(index, len(candles))

    to_index = index_ if include_latest else index_ - 1

    if rounded_timeframe:
        timestamp = round_down_timestamp(candles[index_].timestamp, timeframe)
        timestamp += timeframe
        timestamp = candles[index_].timestamp

    candles_ = []

    for candle in candles[to_index::-1]:
        if (timestamp - candle.timestamp) > timeframe:
        reading = reading_by_candle(candle, indicator)
        if isinstance(reading, (float, int)):
            candles_.insert(0, reading)

    return candles_


reading_by_candle(candle: Candle, name: str) -> float | dict | None

Simple method to get a reading from the given indicator from a candle Uses '.' to find nested reading, E.G 'MACD_12_26_9.MACD

Source code in hexital/utils/
def reading_by_candle(candle: Candle, name: str) -> float | dict | None:
    """Simple method to get a reading from the given indicator from a candle
    Uses '.' to find nested reading, E.G 'MACD_12_26_9.MACD"""

    if "." in name:
        main_name, nested_name = name.split(".")
        reading = _nested_indicator(candle, main_name, nested_name)
        return reading

    attr = getattr(candle, name, None)

    if attr is not None:
        return attr

    for key in candle.indicators:
        if key == name:
            return candle.indicators[key]

    for key in candle.sub_indicators:
        if key == name:
            return candle.sub_indicators[key]

    return None


    candles: List[Candle], name: str, index: int = -1
) -> float | dict | None

Simple method to get a reading from the given indicator from it's index

Source code in hexital/utils/
def reading_by_index(candles: List[Candle], name: str, index: int = -1) -> float | dict | None:
    """Simple method to get a reading from the given indicator from it's index"""
    if not valid_index(index, len(candles)):
        return None

    return reading_by_candle(candles[index], name)


    candles: List[Candle], name: str, index: Optional[int] = None
) -> int

Returns how many instance of the given indicator exist

Source code in hexital/utils/
def reading_count(candles: List[Candle], name: str, index: Optional[int] = None) -> int:
    """Returns how many instance of the given indicator exist"""
    index_ = absindex(index, len(candles))

    for count, idx in enumerate(range(index_, -1, -1)):
        if reading_by_candle(candles[idx], name) is None:
            return count

    return index_ + 1


    candles: List[Candle], period: int, name: str, index: Optional[int] = None
) -> bool

Will return True if the given indicator goes back as far as amount, It's true if exactly or more than. Includes index

Source code in hexital/utils/
def reading_period(
    candles: List[Candle], period: int, name: str, index: Optional[int] = None
) -> bool:
    """Will return True if the given indicator goes back as far as amount,
    It's true if exactly or more than. Includes index"""
    if not candles:
        return False

    period_ = period - 1
    index_ = absindex(index, len(candles))

    if index_ - period_ < 0:
        return False

    for point in [period_, period_ / 2, 0]:
        if reading_by_index(candles, name, index_ - int(point)) is None:
            return False
    return True