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Quick Start


This page is a quick start guide on generating your first technical indicator using Hexital, as well as using it to generate a set of technical indicators with some useful common situations and features.

Creating Candles

Hexital use's it's own Candle object used for generating technical indicator readings, these are a core part of Hexital and can therefore be created in several different ways.

To simplify the process of converting your data into Candle objects used by Hexital the Indicator objects can accept a variety of formats and convert them for you. The format's it can accept are Lists, Dicts which are also explained here.

from hexital import EMA, Candle

my_ema = EMA(candles=[])
# EMA Indicator accepting a list format which will be converted to a Candle object prior to calculation.
my_ema.append([datetime(2023, 12, 1, 14, 30), 1.2345, 1.2500, 1.2300, 1.2450, 10000])

# EMA Indicator accepting a dict format which will be converted to a Candle object prior to calculation.
            "open": 1.2345,
            "high": 1.2500,
            "low": 1.2300,
            "close": 1.2450,
            "volume": 10000,
            "timestamp": datetime(2023, 12, 1, 14, 30),

You can create a Candle instance by providing its required attributes: open, high, low, close, and volume.

from datetime import datetime
from hexital import Candle

# Create a Candle with explicit values
candle = Candle(
    timestamp=datetime(2023, 12, 1, 14, 30),

# Output: Candle(open=1.2345, high=1.25, low=1.23, close=1.245, volume=10000)

You can use the from_list class method to create a Candle from a list containing the following attributes in order:

[timestamp (optional), open, high, low, close, volume, timeframe (optional)]

from datetime import datetime
from hexital import Candle
candle_data = [datetime(2023, 12, 1, 14, 30), 1.2345, 1.2500, 1.2300, 1.2450, 10000, "1h"]

# Create a Candle using from_list
candle = Candle.from_list(candle_data)

# Output: Candle(open=1.2345, high=1.25, low=1.23, close=1.245, volume=10000)


Another method called from_lists which accept's a list of list's to convert, returning a List[Candle].

You can create a Candle instance from a dictionary by using the from_dict class method. This is especially useful when working with JSON data or API responses.

from datetime import datetime
from hexital import Candle

candle_dict = {
    "open": 1.2345,
    "high": 1.2500,
    "low": 1.2300,
    "close": 1.2450,
    "volume": 10000,
    "timestamp": datetime(2023, 12, 1, 14, 30),
    "timeframe": "1h",
candle = Candle.from_dict(candle_dict)
# Output: Candle(open=1.2345, high=1.25, low=1.23, close=1.245, volume=10000)

!!! info "from_dicts" Another method called from_dicts which accept's a list of dict's to convert, returning a List[Candle].

Panda dataframes can be converted using dataframes to_dict ⧉ method and feeding the result into the Candle from_dicts class method.

from hexital import EMA, Candle
import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv("path/to/symbol.csv", sep=",")
candles = Candle.from_dicts(df.to_dict("records"))

my_ema = EMA(candles=candles)

print("EMA reading:", my_ema.reading())

EMA Indicator

The purpose of Hexital is to incrementally create technical indicator readings, therefore it's made to be relatively simple. Below is example's of using Hexital to create an EMA indicator from a list of dict Candles. As well as some common and useful configurations.

from hexital import EMA, Candle
from datetime import timedelta

my_candles = [
    {"open": 17213, "high": 2395, "low": 7813, "close": 3615, "volume": 19661},
    {"open": 1301, "high": 3007, "low": 11626, "close": 19048, "volume": 28909},
    {"open": 12615, "high": 923, "low": 7318, "close": 1351, "volume": 33765},
    {"open": 1643, "high": 16229, "low": 17721, "close": 212, "volume": 3281},
    {"open": 424, "high": 10614, "low": 17133, "close": 7308, "volume": 41793},
    {"open": 4323, "high": 5858, "low": 8785, "close": 8418, "volume": 34913},
    {"open": 13838, "high": 13533, "low": 4830, "close": 17765, "volume": 586},
    {"open": 14373, "high": 18026, "low": 7844, "close": 18798, "volume": 25993},
    {"open": 12382, "high": 19875, "low": 2853, "close": 1431, "volume": 10055},
    {"open": 19202, "high": 6584, "low": 6349, "close": 8299, "volume": 13199},
# Convert Basic candles
candles = Candle.from_dicts(my_candles)

my_ema = EMA(name="EMA_Short", candles=candles, period=3, candle_life=timedelta(hours=2))

print("Latest EMA reading:", my_ema.reading())  # 8408.7552

EMA period

In the given example the length/period of the EMA indicator is 3. This is of course configurable.

my_ema = EMA(name="EMA_Short", candles=candles, period=3, candle_life=timedelta(hours=2))

Appending new Candle

Hexital is designed to be constantly receiving and updating it's Candle list and TA readings, therefore they can easily append new candles in a variety of formats; As explained in the Candle section.

# Append new Candle
my_ema.append(Candle.from_dict({'open': 19723, 'high': 4837, 'low': 11631, 'close': 6231, 'volume': 38993}))
print("EMA reading:", my_ema.reading())  # 7319.8776

Auto calculation

We dont need to call calculation method as it's done automatically on append.

Indicator candle_life

All indicators have the configuration option candle_life, this is optional configuration which is useful for very large everygrowing set of Candle's. This attribute will automatically cull the list of Candle's it stores based on it's age, in this case once a Candle is 2 hours old it will be removed.

my_ema = EMA(name="EMA_Short", candles=candles, period=3, candle_life=timedelta(hours=2))

Candle life

Extremely useful for managing memory constraints, but note you will also lose the TA readings alongside the Candle's.

EMA Indicator name

We manually selected the Indicator name, this is optional, however recommended when dealing with many indicators, the default naming is generated based on the TA name and the period set. E.G EMA_3 would otherwise be generated.

my_ema = EMA(name="EMA_Short", candles=candles, period=3, candle_life=timedelta(hours=2))

Analysis EMA for rising trend

You can also directly use one of Hexital's built in analysis functions to handle simple movements calculations, for example to check if the EMA value we are generating is rising or falling.

from hexital.analysis import rising

print("EMA Rising:" rising(my_ema, "EMA_3", length=8)) # False

Hexital - Indicator Grouping

A single indicator is useful but no trading strategy is built using a single one, to avoid haivng to create and manage and appending to several indicators. Therefore Hexital library has the Hexital object, which is designed for managing multiple indicators easily, by having one set of candle's which is used for multiple indicator's they will all automatically be given new Candle and re-calculated; as if managing one Indicator.

This example is using Hexital to manage WMA and EMA in one Hexital object, updating and calculating both indicators from appending a single Candle.

from hexital import EMA, WMA, Candle, Hexital

my_candles = [
    {"open": 17213, "high": 2395, "low": 7813, "close": 3615, "volume": 19661},
    {"open": 1301, "high": 3007, "low": 11626, "close": 19048, "volume": 28909},
    {"open": 12615, "high": 923, "low": 7318, "close": 1351, "volume": 33765},
    {"open": 1643, "high": 16229, "low": 17721, "close": 212, "volume": 3281},
    {"open": 424, "high": 10614, "low": 17133, "close": 7308, "volume": 41793},
    {"open": 4323, "high": 5858, "low": 8785, "close": 8418, "volume": 34913},
    {"open": 13838, "high": 13533, "low": 4830, "close": 17765, "volume": 586},
    {"open": 14373, "high": 18026, "low": 7844, "close": 18798, "volume": 25993},
    {"open": 12382, "high": 19875, "low": 2853, "close": 1431, "volume": 10055},
    {"open": 19202, "high": 6584, "low": 6349, "close": 8299, "volume": 13199},
candles = Candle.from_dicts(my_candles)

strategy = Hexital("Demo Strat", candles,
        WMA(name="WMA", period=8),
        EMA(period=3, candle_life=timedelta(hours=1)),

print("EMA reading:", strategy.reading("EMA_3")) # 8408.7552
print("WMA reading:", strategy.reading("WMA")) # 9316.4722

All the configuration that is available to the EMA indicator is still available while being used within the Hexital object.

EMA naming

EMA was not given a specific name, the name is therefore generated based of the Indicator name(EMA) and Period(3). Which us why in strategy it's called as EMA_3. This changes if the period changes.

Appending new Candle

We can append a Candle to Hexital which is then used for all Indicator's, the EMA and WMA value's are again automatically calculated on append.

# Append new Candle
    Candle.from_dict({"open": 19723, "high": 4837, "low": 11631, "close": 6231, "volume": 38993})
# New readings from both indicators using new Candle
print("EMA reading:", strategy.reading("EMA_3"))  # 7319.8776
print("WMA reading:", strategy.reading("WMA"))  # 8934.9722

Auto calculation

We dont need to call calculation method as it's done automatically on append.

Hexital's own configuration (candle_life)

Notice that the Hexital object has it's own candle_life attribute. The purpose of this is a global way to set configurations within the Hexital Indicators. Therefore all indicators that exist within this strategy object will inherit a candle_life value of 2 hours. However the EMA TA has it's own candle_life attribute which will take precedence over the Hexital's.

The purpose is you can set a global configuration for all indicators without having to add it to each TA manually.

strategy = Hexital("Demo Strat", candles,
        WMA(name="WMA", period=8),
        EMA(period=3, candle_life=timedelta(hours=1)),

Analysis for EMA and WMA Crossing

You can also pass the Hexital object into one of Hexital's built in analysis functions, for example to check if the EMA value we are generating has crossed over the WMA.

from hexital.analysis import cross

print("EMA Crossed WMA:" cross(strategy, "EMA_3", "WMA")) # False

EMA Name

The EMA_3 name is the generated name, if you decide to alter to period of this EMA to say 6; the name would change to match resulting in these call's failing. This is why it's best practice to manually choose a name when creating a indicator.

Analysis methods

We can replace cross with crossover or crossunder for specific direction.